Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Well, its me again, thinking and thinking about what I want to do as far as the artworld goes. What kind of an artistic route am I drawn too. I have looked at the stuff on etsy, and zazzle, artfire-ect.
I have browsed deviantart
and sheezy etc. I have looked at peoples blogs, online mags, etc.

My self assessment: you may have noticed that I have NOT added much to my etsy store, there are many reasons,#1 I don't have much stuff ready other than art- no machines for making buttons and mirrors, #2 I feel bad selling my originals.....I feel worse and odd selling prints ONLINE unless they are framed or something special 'cause if an image is on the net couldn't they just click view, print and do it themselves for free? #3 Really tight finances right now and selling online means buying material making stuff, photographing and postin' it and then waiting and it seemed not many people saw my stuff even when I did have lots up there, then you get frustrated.....

BUT REALLY I like sharing my stuff, love having art profiles on art sharing sites/art community sites, I like zazzle of all the selling sites I'm on because they produce the products and they are good quality and I must admit they have made money off me- buying my own stuff ;) I mean
who doesn't like a button or Postage Stamp with their art on it! however, i must admit that it's obscure and no one ever finds me there. I also wonder if my art might be more precious and valueable by not doing that...even so I only have 3 main pieces that I have put onto zazzle stuff so I am ok ;)

If I sold anything else It would be a limited quantity, that people could look through,
at an art fair, maybe even a drawn-while-you-wait feature, with me and a pad of paper, prismacolors and a line of people with personalized requests!!!!! SWEET!!

So maybe I should focus more on gallery showings (show off) and such?

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