Saturday, February 21, 2009

I found the cutest site today, thanks to my friend Jill. Its called and is all about anime style fan art, so cute and a lot more safe and pleasant than devaint art.
I made an account and favorited a bunch of stuff
Anyways I also joined a bunch of "cute" clubs on deviant art
but i think that the selection to browse through on theotaku is better ;)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cute shy people in the world

Cute shy people in the world, I really like how, cuteness and shyness is liked in Japan. I myself am shy and cute and I do not see those traits in any of the American celebrities. I have found a few celebrities like Asami Konno and Magibon who seem to be genuinely cute and sweet. Still looking for more but you'd think if there were any american ones , I'd be able to think of them and I can't so....

Dichroic Glass- so Pretty!

Lately I have really taken a liking to dichroic glass jewelry, here are some colorful and beautiful examples. I bought the first two ;)

Friday, February 6, 2009