Saturday, January 9, 2010

Classes and such

So I am all signed up for this semester's classes. I graduated school a few years ago after double majoring in English AND Studio Art......Yet I have taken a class here and there ever since. Lets see...I've taken Storyboarding, Intro to Computer Graphics, Maya Modeling & Rendereing I, Basic Animation -Flash, and History of Animation/Tradition Animation, ..................all to add to what I already learned in my traditional Studio Art Classes. Now, this semester, I will take Digital Art I and Illustration Techniques I.......I'm not sure what new things I will learn in the Illustration class since, technically, I already DO Illustration, but I am excited to maybe experiment a bit and hopefully meet some new people with similar interests!

Something else I also want to do is to start sending my portfolio to Publishing Houses and Illustration Agencies......
I also want to do some more gallery shows, and I want to participate in very unique ones, a strict theme, or a curated group show, preferably next to artists along the same style/type/subject matter as myself.....

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