Its been a while, and that is because I have been doing a lot of work for my job. Its nice but not a lot of time for art..... I have to get motivated again though :) Honestly, I am not sure what I want to do with my arteork, or how I want to share it :( I am lowbrow in one sense but NOT in the domintant lowbrow trend of "slightly disturbing". I am naive art but I have an art degree.... I am neo anime/manga/otaku art and yet my style is VERY different at the same time......
I was think of sending resumes to art agents or something...... Then I could have a variety of projects.....
I don't know if etsy is for me...I think people who sell on there have offline following and anyways the ones who do good are the suppliers and jewelry makers.
It would be nice to be a part of a group art show... or do an interview with a magazine BUT the most important thing is to draw and keep drawing and making pretty new designs and then to put them here and on art sharing sites and just enjoy art....