Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Moved my bro into his dorm at UNT (north tx) and it looks so fun! soooooooooooo many people and cute guys too. Everyone looked friendly. Makes me wish I had gone to a big school. Maybe I would've made more college friends and Maybe and boyfriend or two ;)
Seriously though, And his ROOM, it is in the new dorms and he has his own room with a sink and mirror. He shares a bathroom and kitchen with another guy and it comes with a fridge and microwave. If I had had such things when I went! A whole private kitchen. Nice. Maybe I should go to grad school there eh? Anyhow SCAD is out of my list due to the spread of its campus/area/massive crime rate. I know from experience that I wouldn't like being in a bad(ghetto) dangerous area. And I don't want to go to the deep south. They already have enough problems ;)
Calarts is still in the running but doubtful as it is in an expensive area, only 1,400-ish students is smaller than the school I went to and I know it was hard to fit in, even if they ARE other "art kids". I just dont knnnnoooowwww........!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I went to see Julie&Julia today. I drove 15 minutes to the Movies 14 in Myckenny Because they have thier daytime price at$ 3.25, this means I can go to the movies again (the other movie theaters are $7-10!!!!)
Makes me want to write a blog........Oops I do write one :) Well I wish I had readers but I think that the difference now from when that woman's story happened is that now everyone has a blog. Maybe also -blogger does seem more isolating cause you can't really search for blogger blogs through blogger. I guess I could add this blog to my technoratti ( or whatever) account, and I could pay to be part of delightful blogs but I don't want to spend the money for the 2nd option right now :)

Anyhow it would be nice if I had a few followers, or if people linked to me but I'm ok for now.

Anyways- ART- I've been doing animations with Painter a little. I like Painter ^^

I think if my blog had a theme it would be "Cute stuff on the internet that I like"....

Monday, August 10, 2009

OH! and Also I did some artsy artsy stuff today. I submited some digital images to Storyopolis Art Gallery in Dallas, and signed up for "The Sketchbook Project" through Art House Coop...They will send me a moleskin, I will draw in moleskin and then all the moleskins from everyone involved will go on tour ^^!!!!!!

lovely eyeshadows

I went and splurged on make-up today.....I saw all these reviews online for Coastal Scents 88 palettes and bought myself the matte one and the shimmer one.....actually over ebay its not that expensive. I (as an artist and a girl) am excited to play arround with these colors!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Well I( played around with templates today but I didn't like any of the other blogger ones and I don't want to download a strange file from another site.. so.....I guess I like the parchment paper look even compared to a white background or color....hmmmm dont like the color choices

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I shall make a list. It shall be a good list and I shall follow it and I will be for fun, not to make money not to compete but to enter and enjoy the art world and share my stuff:

Here it is:

1. Make connections with other artists and people online - I think it would be nice to not just observe but to start INTERACTING with the others for a change.

2. Start submitting things to calls for artists from galleries, shows, magazines and websites (at least 5 a month)- I want to start showing and sharing my stuff for arts sake, even if I take it slow I want to start touching others lives in a new way through my art by sending it out to be seen and enjoyed....Have to find nice galleries that have similar tastes to my stuff, Maybe magazines and websites/web amgazines are like galleries too?
3. ?

Well, its me again, thinking and thinking about what I want to do as far as the artworld goes. What kind of an artistic route am I drawn too. I have looked at the stuff on etsy, and zazzle, artfire-ect.
I have browsed deviantart
and sheezy etc. I have looked at peoples blogs, online mags, etc.

My self assessment: you may have noticed that I have NOT added much to my etsy store, there are many reasons,#1 I don't have much stuff ready other than art- no machines for making buttons and mirrors, #2 I feel bad selling my originals.....I feel worse and odd selling prints ONLINE unless they are framed or something special 'cause if an image is on the net couldn't they just click view, print and do it themselves for free? #3 Really tight finances right now and selling online means buying material making stuff, photographing and postin' it and then waiting and it seemed not many people saw my stuff even when I did have lots up there, then you get frustrated.....

BUT REALLY I like sharing my stuff, love having art profiles on art sharing sites/art community sites, I like zazzle of all the selling sites I'm on because they produce the products and they are good quality and I must admit they have made money off me- buying my own stuff ;) I mean
who doesn't like a button or Postage Stamp with their art on it! however, i must admit that it's obscure and no one ever finds me there. I also wonder if my art might be more precious and valueable by not doing that...even so I only have 3 main pieces that I have put onto zazzle stuff so I am ok ;)

If I sold anything else It would be a limited quantity, that people could look through,
at an art fair, maybe even a drawn-while-you-wait feature, with me and a pad of paper, prismacolors and a line of people with personalized requests!!!!! SWEET!!

So maybe I should focus more on gallery showings (show off) and such?

Monday, August 3, 2009

I want to get away from making art to "sell" for a while and I was thinking.....Galleries! Maybe answer some calls for artists just for the fun of it. then I can collect the publicity flyers and put them up here like other artists like scarrletcat do .....
Examples art the photo's The one with the brown parchment look is from my one and only gallery showing...allison is a photographer and I appreciated the name she chose for us because it went with my content a bit more, since her stuff is more abstract :)